giovedì 8 settembre 2011

Premurarsi di...

...camminare lontano dal ciglio della strada nei giorni di brutto tempo: ci sono pozzanghere, i lituani guidano come pazzi rasentando il bordo del marciapiedi e l'effetto tsunami è garantito!

4 commenti:

  1. You don't drive do you? x)

    Is there anything best than the "rally feeling" when you're aquaplaning? :P

    and you added my blog to the follow list. I know have to write in English, after five happy years --'

  2. I love to drive and to do it fast, sometimes.
    But I try not to let the pedestrians have a shower in the middle of the street with rain and mudd!

    I know I should write in English too, but FIRST i'm not so able to do it and SECOND i'm lazy.
    So i guess for you it's just a matter of sloth. ;)

  3. Don't come to Porto in the Winter, then! x)
